Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday 4th May - The Magic Number

Hello friends and family,
Apologies - for not taking the time to write to you.

Johnny is doing incredibly well, given his current health.
Two more regimes of chemo to come - one tomorrow and the following week.  CT Scan scheduled for the middle of May for further results. 

We are still with limited energy.  Bursts of enthusiasm are suddenly hit with a "I need to lie down". 
Long sleep in's are a must, every day should  be a Sunday sleep in for him.
His love affair with a Sunday Roast Chicken is over - chicken currently tastes metallic, no matter which way I cook the chicken it is just not appealing to his palette.   

There is a magic number for the CA19's it's "35". 
That is our aim.  We would like to get to 35, but only if Johnny's body can handle it.
A couple of weeks ago the number was in it's thousands.
Last week the number was 241.
Tomorrow we shall find out if his current CA19 has dropped  or climbed. 

The Rolling Hills of Napa