Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday 20th July

Greetings to you on this Sunday morning. 

After Johnny's screaming "Chemo Day" on Wednesday and many a conversation with doctors, nurses and friends, we were told to expect the worse on Days 2-3-4.  Why we asked?  "Oh the pain, the pain is incredible it will be excruciating and he will not be able to do anything".  

Well our Johnny has done the exact opposite - Days 2-3-4 he has been up and about, working at Bentleys Home Design, working on completing our home, tying up paper work, making appointments with clients.  Albeit, in short stints but he is up and about.  Taking naps when he needs to, but most importantly Johnny is eating and taking his medication from Nurse Michelle.   

Catching up with friends has been hard, mentally and emotionally,  he does become exhausted.  Right now Johnny is very quiet on the inside, deep within his soul, one can see it and feel it, so to you he might seem "fine visually, and look OK", but deep inside he is aware of the turmoil that has hit his body.

Again, we thank you for your well wishes, text messages and phone calls.


Michelle Seeram-Pye said...

Johnny as his best - pensive and thoughtful

Anonymous said...

Hi Johnny! Thanks for keeping all of us oldies but goodies up to date.
Sending positive thoughts and love too you.
Michelle, you are amazing and I want to thank you for letting all of us know how Johnny is doing. It does mean a lot to me....thanks again