Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday 14th July

A message from our Johnny Pye.

"Thank you everybody for the overwhelming, response and concern for me.  For your wishes thoughts, prayers and especially for the yummy food.  Thank you.

Today, was an excruciating long day of final doctors, visits and decisions.
The cancer is in my Pancreas, Lungs, Liver and Glands.  Thousands of nodules.  Without Chemo, they give me three months.  As of tomorrow I start chemo therapy.  I am well aware this is going to be pure hell.  But hopefully it will keep me here for a year and who knows maybe longer.

So thank you for everything and to my "Rock" Michelle, who makes everyday worth fighting for".

Kindest regards,

1 comment:

Michelle Seeram-Pye said...

Calistoga Ranch - for his 50th Birthday Treat.