Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday 29th July

Johnny had a great weekend, all things considered.  With a mighty fine appetite, thanks to our village of friends.  He is constantly saying I am hungry, I jump from my seat when I hear this "Darling what would you like me to get you?"

Today, we had our second round of five hours of Chemo,  this time it has knocked him sideways.  We were told this round  of Chemo is when we start to notice side affects.  We left the hospital, late this afternoon, again, with a leaving gift from our nurse, our portable Chemo pump bag for another 46 hours. 

This evening he is resting - but feeling more nauseated than normal, along with difficulty in swallowing, chewing and cannot eat anything too hot or too cold.  

We await a better dawn of feeling with clearer waters tomorrow.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Yes, a new dawn...a new day...God Bless you both...I pray that Johnny will be filled with strength and nourishment right now...