Thursday, July 30, 2015

Messages: for Johnny & I Wednesday 29th July, 2015

Message from the Green Residence: London
Please don't feel you need to respond but I wanted to get in touch as I have been following your blog with deepest sadness since first hearing your news.  Your messages have been an insight into the wonderful times you and Johnny have shared together and the beautiful love that you have for each other.
  You are truly an inspiration and a pillar of strength and my love and best wishes are with you.  I am taking on the London 3 Peaks in October to support the fantastic work that Stand Up To Cancer does and you will both be in my thoughts at this time.

Thinking of you.

Message from the Milmine Residence: New Zealand
Just caught up on your blog update and want to send so much love to the two of you. Words seem very inadequate. Neither of you deserves this and it's completely unfair. Sending you all the love and strength imaginable. Xxx

Message from the Raven Residence in London
How you doing today gorgeous girl. Heart of a lion, let me know if I can do anything big x

Message from the Moynihan Residence: New Zealand
I have never met your darling Johnny but i can tell from your posts and knowing you from deutsche bank in london that he is an incredibly special person. My heart breaks for you both and the rest of your families. We are sending you both lots of love from nz.
Thinking of you love shelley and family

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Message from: Marni Doyle to Johnny

Marni - thank you for your beautiful message.

Hi Sweet Johnny Pye,

After hearing the latest news there's some things is like to tell you / remind you of. 

You are and have been my favorite person that I've ever lived with. I've loved you and have adored you for all of my adult life. You have taught me to appreciate the finer things in life-food, people and dancing. Which I still savor and thrive on. 

While being your roommate I had the most fun I've ever had. We skied, partied, went up the river, and hosted the best Thanksgiving and Christmas parties ever. 

My best memories of our time as roommates are The mornings enjoying tea and toast before our morning ski and a chat before heading off to work. We would always try our best to stretch our morning time. "Well I don't need to shave my legs that'll give me five minutes." 

They will always be the best send off to the working day I've ever had. Love those memories and brag about them often to anyone who will listen because it was the stuff dreams are made of. 
The days of the limo. Loved so much going to the city, dressed up and going to the most happening places. Again and again. Remember the time we were trying to get into the latest club and there was a line around the block? I jumped out of the limo and said to the head bouncer , "my name is Marni and I work for Lucasfilm. Do you realize I have Johnny Pye in this limo? He really wants to come in.." And they let us all in free of charge! Ha ha ha! Lol! We danced the night away. 

I loved going to breakfast and to the movies However, my favorite limo time was when we would tow the boat up to Tower Park behind the limo. Remember that? People would drive along side us and take pictures of us like we were movie stars. I think...we were not movie stars but Rockstars. 
I'm so happy that you and Michelle found eachother again and had some beautiful years together. The moment I met her and saw the twinkle in your eyes I knew she was the one. For her birthday on the boat I thought the cake you ordered with your picture of you both then and now was so utterly romantic I have to admit I was a bit jealous. She is so unbelievably amazing and I'm so happy that you came back to true love and that she's been there for you. I'm honored to have her as a friend. 

I love you Johnny. I'm so sorry and totally disgusted that I've not been there more to see you and support you and Michelle. I adore you both. I kept telling myself you were going to be just fine. 

Johnny with Marni 
I want to tell you that Gary and I have had many conversations about my job and what you have both been through. You've  inspired me to quit my stressful job and concentrate on my life and count my blessings. I just did this three weeks ago and I'm feeling so liberated and free I can not even express. I'm breathing well for the first time in a long time. You and Michelle were both so clear and I've listened. 

I hope that you, Michelle and Lee have some quality time together and that your feeling the sun on your face. I'm hoping that you are calm, comfortable and peaceful surrounded by love and light.
I love you Johnny 💜😍💋
I'll ski you soon. 
Best as always, Marni

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday 26th July, 2015

Dearest family and friends,

With utter hopelessness and  heartache deep in my soul,  I am sorry to tell you, the cancer has an overwhelming firm grip upon my darling Johnny.   He now has a highly developed Sister Mary Joseph Nodule in his umbilical cord, refers to a palpable nodule bulging into the umbilicus as a result of metastasis of a malignant cancer in the pelvis or abdomen.  At the second round of the clinical trial we were denied, due to his severe failing health.    Johnny of course, did not believe the doctor, and try as he might to negotiate, we were told unfathomably that we need to spend as much time together as possible as time is short. 

It is the strong-headed, determined, belligerent, fighter side of our Johnny’s character which has got him from nowhere to living in one of the most prestigious counties in a large elegant house, built lovingly with his own hands, and with me as his  wife, by his side. 

Of course, we are not surprised Johnny is going nowhere without a fight.  He knows as well as we all do that he is not going to win but he has scored almost 10 months off his opponent and if he thinks there is the smallest chance of winning weeks or even days,  our Johnny will undoubtedly fight.

Johnny is  already sleeping a lot, which is good.  But when he is wakeful, he is still fighting.  When the pain becomes intolerable he is given Morphine,  dosage has been increased due to pain levels escalating,  we need to ensure Johnny is in no discomfort. 

As far as Johnny is concerned he has been cheated when he still has so much to live for - namely family in Liverpool, me as his wife, close friends and living life to the maximum.

Hospice are magnificent, their visits and calm reassurance that the patient my dearest Johnny is in the best place possible for his needs.  Here at home by the water.

We await Lee Carter Pye's imminent arrival this weekend, for father and son time together.  Please respect "their time" they need.  If you wish to visit please email me or call me.

Special thanks to our exceptional friends who have committed their time on a daily basis out of love and friendship to  Johnny and I, over these horrible months, making sure  he/we do not feel "alone or abandoned",   along with watching over me, allowing me to lean upon them for significant emotional support.

Special thanks 
(in no particular order);
Kavie Von Husen
Bill & Ashley Timmel
Michael Bell & Jennifer Reed
Hartley Smith
Courtney Lewis
Lee Carter Pye
Andy Pye
Cindy Root
Lourdes Esquival
Arabella Cooper
Susan Foley
Danielle Graves 
Deborah Holland